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664 Jugadores Online
Sep 05 2024
El monstruo Fellbeast para el reset 3800 fue lanzado junto con un nuevo refinamiento. No olvides completar las tasks normales, buenas recompensas esperan a los monstruos fuertes.
Ago 29 2024
Nuevo sistema. Idle Energy se acumula cada 10 minutos, estés en línea o desconectado, según la cantidad de resets. Esta energía se puede convertir en vida y maná en los altares de los templos de cada ciudad. Para ver tu energía actual y ganancias potenciales, usa los comandos !idle o !energy. Para más información, consulta el Wiki.
Jun 25 2024
¡La ciudad de Netulco ha sido lanzada! Visítala, gana artículos especiales, nuevas monturas y un nuevo outfit. Muchos misterios te esperan, mucho por descubrir y explorar.
Jun 15 2024
Usa el comando !quest para verificar las quests completas e incompletas en tu personaje.
Abr 25 2024
Nuevos comandos: !autopotion: Activa el uso automático de pociones, consumiéndolas secuencialmente desde tu mochila. !atkhighreset: Establece un número mínimo de resets para prevenir ataques a jugadores no deseados en PvP. Por ejemplo, con !atkhighreset 1000, tu personaje no atacará a jugadores con menos de 1000 resets.
Offline Trader
Leave your consumable items for sale here and you do not need to be online for other players buy from you. Only consumables can be added to sell: potions, refinements, staminas, artifacts, quest items, packs...
In-game Commands
!offer add, itemName, itemPrice, itemCount, currency
Example: !offer add, carnifes sword, 95, 1, pc
Example: !offer add, magic long sword, 3, 1, bip
Example: !offer add, magic long sword, 5, 1, key
ItemPrice is the value in pure coins, bipcoins or celestial keys
!offer buy, offerID
Example: !offer buy, 19430
!offer remove, offerID
Example: !offer remove, 19430
!offer withdraw, pc
Use this command to get the pure coins for sold items.
!offer withdraw, bip
Use this command to get the bipcoins for sold items.
!offer withdraw, key
Use this command to get the celestial keys for sold items.
Coin Values
Gold coin
Platinum coin
Crystal coin
Pure coin (pc)
Bipcoin (bip)
Celestial Key
1 Celestial Key
Necro King Artifact
Used to compose Pulsar Refinement
30x Necro King Artifact
15 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28438
(click to copy)
Stamina Refiller
Fully recharge your stamina.
3x Stamina Refiller
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28437
(click to copy)
Gem Box
Receive from 15 to 30 nightmare gems of your vocation. You can use the gems to craft equipaments tier 3 and 4.
1x Gem Box
8 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28436
(click to copy)
Elixir Of Experience
Instantly provides 25 trillion experience points. Recommended use for 500 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
200x Elixir Of Experience
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28435
(click to copy)
Elixir Of Experience
Instantly provides 25 trillion experience points. Recommended use for 500 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
200x Elixir Of Experience
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28434
(click to copy)
Elixir Of Experience
Instantly provides 25 trillion experience points. Recommended use for 500 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
200x Elixir Of Experience
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28433
(click to copy)
Random Gold Mount Ring
get a random gold mount ring with random attributes.
1x Random Gold Mount Ring
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28432
(click to copy)
Random Gold Mount Ring
get a random gold mount ring with random attributes.
1x Random Gold Mount Ring
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28431
(click to copy)
Burzum Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
30x Burzum Artifact
8 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28428
(click to copy)
Pest Egg
Used to compose Nevasca Refinement
6x Pest Egg
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28426
(click to copy)
Akumakori Artifact
Used to compose Nevasca Refinement
8x Akumakori Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28425
(click to copy)
Pack Of Stamina Refiller
package with 3 stamina refiller
1x Pack Of Stamina Refiller
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28422
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
999x Mana Scroll
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28421
(click to copy)
Carnifes Arrow
This arrow seems not suitable for the use with ordinary bows. It seems to be rotting rapidly.
1x Carnifes Arrow
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28419
(click to copy)
Master Vip 30 Days
Use and get 30 days of Master VIP account. Multiple uses will accumulate the days.
1x Master Vip 30 Days
13 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28418
(click to copy)
Pack Of Ultimate Experience Potion
package with 10 ultimate experience potion
15x Pack Of Ultimate Experience Potion
25 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28417
(click to copy)
Multi Arrow
Change the arrow element by clicking use.
1x Multi Arrow
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28415
(click to copy)
Burzum Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
25x Burzum Artifact
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28414
(click to copy)
Mega Mana Scroll
Increases +1% in total mana.
10x Mega Mana Scroll
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28409
(click to copy)
Mega Health Scroll
Increases +1% in total health.
11x Mega Health Scroll
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28408
(click to copy)
Bakunawa Artifact
Used to compose Dark Refinement
10x Bakunawa Artifact
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28404
(click to copy)
Gem Of Affliction
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for sorcerers, look for the npc 'Guardian of Sorcerers' in Thais and 'Nightmare of Sorcerers' in Terror Thais.
63x Gem Of Affliction
16 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28402
(click to copy)
Straw Freak Artifact
Used to compose Crystal Refinement
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28401
(click to copy)
Straw Freak Artifact
Used to compose Crystal Refinement
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28400
(click to copy)
Redbone Artifact
Used to compose Cosmic Refinement
10x Redbone Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28397
(click to copy)
Acromantula Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
10x Acromantula Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28396
(click to copy)
Mega Mana Scroll
Increases +1% in total mana.
14x Mega Mana Scroll
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28393
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
999x Mana Scroll
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28385
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
999x Mana Scroll
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28384
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
999x Mana Scroll
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28383
(click to copy)
Mantis Artifact
Used to compose Orion Refinement
27x Mantis Artifact
9 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28376
(click to copy)
Gem Of Regret
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for paladins, look for the npc 'Guardian of Paladins' in Ab Dendriel and 'Nightmare of Paladins' in Terror Ab Dendriel.
10x Gem Of Regret
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28375
(click to copy)
Rakshasa Artifact
Used to compose Spirit Refinement
100x Rakshasa Artifact
25 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28373
(click to copy)
Straw Freak Artifact
Used to compose Crystal Refinement
100x Straw Freak Artifact
25 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28372
(click to copy)
Burzum Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
100x Burzum Artifact
30 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28371
(click to copy)
Talisman Paladin T2
Used to craft t2 amulet at npc Amrin in the city of Ireland.
1x Talisman Paladin T2
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28370
(click to copy)
Pack Of Ultimate Experience Potion
package with 10 ultimate experience potion
3x Pack Of Ultimate Experience Potion
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28368
(click to copy)
Pack Of Ultimate Experience Potion
package with 10 ultimate experience potion
3x Pack Of Ultimate Experience Potion
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28366
(click to copy)
Gem Of Regret
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for paladins, look for the npc 'Guardian of Paladins' in Ab Dendriel and 'Nightmare of Paladins' in Terror Ab Dendriel.
29x Gem Of Regret
7 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28365
(click to copy)
Pest Egg
Used to compose Nevasca Refinement
10x Pest Egg
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28356
(click to copy)
Pest Egg
Used to compose Nevasca Refinement
10x Pest Egg
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28355
(click to copy)
Pest Egg
Used to compose Nevasca Refinement
10x Pest Egg
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28354
(click to copy)
Redbone Artifact
Used to compose Cosmic Refinement
10x Redbone Artifact
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28353
(click to copy)
Redbone Artifact
Used to compose Cosmic Refinement
10x Redbone Artifact
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28352
(click to copy)
Acromantula Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
10x Acromantula Artifact
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28351
(click to copy)
Acromantula Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
10x Acromantula Artifact
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28350
(click to copy)
Acromantula Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
10x Acromantula Artifact
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28349
(click to copy)
Acromantula Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
10x Acromantula Artifact
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28348
(click to copy)
Acromantula Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
10x Acromantula Artifact
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28347
(click to copy)
Arcane Djinn Artifact
Used to compose Blackhole Refinement
50x Arcane Djinn Artifact
40 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28343
(click to copy)
Fellbeast Blood
Used to perform the fourth promotion, Nobler. For more information visit King Nobler in Utopia Island
23x Fellbeast Blood
34 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28341
(click to copy)
20x Fellbeast Artifact
50 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28340
(click to copy)
Master Vip 30 Days
Use and get 30 days of Master VIP account. Multiple uses will accumulate the days.
1x Master Vip 30 Days
13 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28329
(click to copy)
Colossus Artifact
Used to compose Cosmic Refinement
10x Colossus Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28328
(click to copy)
Gem Of Regret
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for paladins, look for the npc 'Guardian of Paladins' in Ab Dendriel and 'Nightmare of Paladins' in Terror Ab Dendriel.
42x Gem Of Regret
12 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28314
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
14x Violet Token
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28312
(click to copy)
Multi Arrow
Change the arrow element by clicking use.
1x Multi Arrow
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28297
(click to copy)
Instant reset if you have the required level. Grants Celestial Key Fragments starting from the 250th reset. Only usable for master vip players.
1x Resetter
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28291
(click to copy)
Sacred Stone
Used to compose Exalted Refinement
999x Sacred Stone
10 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28284
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
999x Mana Scroll
7 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28281
(click to copy)
Gem Of Regret
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for paladins, look for the npc 'Guardian of Paladins' in Ab Dendriel and 'Nightmare of Paladins' in Terror Ab Dendriel.
7x Gem Of Regret
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28280
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
500x Hourglass Of Experience
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28256
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
500x Hourglass Of Experience
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28255
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
500x Hourglass Of Experience
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28253
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
500x Hourglass Of Experience
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28252
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
500x Hourglass Of Experience
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28251
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
500x Hourglass Of Experience
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28250
(click to copy)
Master Vip 30 Days
Use and get 30 days of Master VIP account. Multiple uses will accumulate the days.
1x Master VIP 30 Days
14 celestial keys
!offer buy, 28249
(click to copy)
Master Vip 30 Days
Use and get 30 days of Master VIP account. Multiple uses will accumulate the days.
1x Master VIP 30 Days
14 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28245
(click to copy)
Cadaver Artifact
Used to compose Dark Refinement
35x Cadaver Artifact
8 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28240
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
260x Violet Token
39 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28217
(click to copy)
Stamina Refiller
Fully recharge your stamina.
3x Stamina Refiller
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28204
(click to copy)
Master Vip 30 Days
Use and get 30 days of Master VIP account. Multiple uses will accumulate the days.
1x Master VIP 30 Days
14 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28203
(click to copy)
Ticket To Regret Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Regret Nightmare. Intended for paladins, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
10x Ticket To Regret Nightmare
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28200
(click to copy)
Ticket To Suffering Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Suffering Nightmare. Intended for knights, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
10x Ticket To Suffering Nightmare
900 pure coins
!offer buy, 28199
(click to copy)
Ticket To Affliction Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Affliction Nightmare. Intended for sorcerers, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
10x Ticket To Affliction Nightmare
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28198
(click to copy)
Dodge Skill Book
Grant you a level of Dodge Skill.
11x Dodge Skill Book
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28188
(click to copy)
Necro King Artifact
Used to compose Pulsar Refinement
10x Necro King Artifact
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28180
(click to copy)
Ticket To Suffering Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Suffering Nightmare. Intended for knights, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
10x Ticket To Suffering Nightmare
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28165
(click to copy)
Ticket To Suffering Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Suffering Nightmare. Intended for knights, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
10x Ticket To Suffering Nightmare
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28164
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
999x Mana Scroll
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28149
(click to copy)
Elixir Of Experience
Instantly provides 25 trillion experience points. Recommended use for 500 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
100x Elixir Of Experience
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28126
(click to copy)
Elixir Of Experience
Instantly provides 25 trillion experience points. Recommended use for 500 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
100x Elixir Of Experience
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28125
(click to copy)
Elixir Of Experience
Instantly provides 25 trillion experience points. Recommended use for 500 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
100x Elixir Of Experience
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28124
(click to copy)
Elixir Of Experience
Instantly provides 25 trillion experience points. Recommended use for 500 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
100x Elixir Of Experience
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28122
(click to copy)
Mega Health Scroll
Increases +1% in total health.
20x Mega Health Scroll
10 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28105
(click to copy)
Mega Mana Scroll
Increases +1% in total mana.
12x Mega Mana Scroll
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28094
(click to copy)
Multi Arrow
Change the arrow element by clicking use.
1x Multi Arrow
1 celestial keys
!offer buy, 28084
(click to copy)
Multi Arrow
Change the arrow element by clicking use.
1x Multi Arrow
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28047
(click to copy)
Ticket To Suffering Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Suffering Nightmare. Intended for knights, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
20x Ticket To Suffering Nightmare
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 28024
(click to copy)
Colossus Artifact
Used to compose Cosmic Refinement
10x Colossus Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27998
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
10x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
30 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27991
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
10x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
30 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27990
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
10x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
30 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27989
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
10x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
30 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27988
(click to copy)
Burzum Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
10x Burzum Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27986
(click to copy)
Burzum Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
10x Burzum Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27985
(click to copy)
Mantis Artifact
Used to compose Orion Refinement
199x Mantis Artifact
100 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27967
(click to copy)
Gem Of Regret
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for paladins, look for the npc 'Guardian of Paladins' in Ab Dendriel and 'Nightmare of Paladins' in Terror Ab Dendriel.
7x Gem Of Regret
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27961
(click to copy)
Redbone Artifact
Used to compose Cosmic Refinement
1x Redbone Artifact
500 pure coins
!offer buy, 27927
(click to copy)
Salazar Artifact
Used to compose Crystal Refinement
10x Salazar Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27926
(click to copy)
Pack Of Stamina Refiller
package with 3 stamina refiller
3x Pack Of Stamina Refiller
9 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27924
(click to copy)
Mana Scroll
Increases 50.000 (50k) of total mana.
999x Mana Scroll
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27901
(click to copy)
Divinity Refinement
If your weapon is +100 you can use Divinity Refinement to refine up to +150 without failure
100x Divinity Refinement
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27884
(click to copy)
Dodge Skill Book
Grant you a level of Dodge Skill.
4x Dodge Skill Book
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27852
(click to copy)
Burzum Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
32x Burzum Artifact
11 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27838
(click to copy)
Random Gold Mount Ring
get a random gold mount ring with random attributes.
1x Random Gold Mount Ring
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27835
(click to copy)
Demon Knight Artifact
Used to compose Sephira Refinement
10x Demon Knight Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27804
(click to copy)
Demon Knight Artifact
Used to compose Sephira Refinement
10x Demon Knight Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27802
(click to copy)
Demon Knight Artifact
Used to compose Sephira Refinement
10x Demon Knight Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27800
(click to copy)
Salazar Artifact
Used to compose Crystal Refinement
10x Salazar Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27795
(click to copy)
Rakshasa Artifact
Used to compose Spirit Refinement
10x Rakshasa Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27794
(click to copy)
Salazar Artifact
Used to compose Crystal Refinement
10x Salazar Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27792
(click to copy)
Rakshasa Artifact
Used to compose Spirit Refinement
10x Rakshasa Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27791
(click to copy)
Burzum Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
10x Burzum Artifact
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27790
(click to copy)
Burzum Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
10x Burzum Artifact
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27789
(click to copy)
Baphomet Artifact
Used to compose Spirit Refinement
63x Baphomet Artifact
12 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27698
(click to copy)
Baphomet Artifact
Used to compose Spirit Refinement
64x Baphomet Artifact
16 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27687
(click to copy)
Multi Arrow
Change the arrow element by clicking use.
1x Multi Arrow
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27671
(click to copy)
Gem Of Suffering
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for knights, look for the npc 'Guardian of Knights' in Edron and 'Nightmare of Knights' in Terror Edron.
100x Gem Of Suffering
35 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27628
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
46x Violet Token
6 celestial keys
!offer buy, 27558
(click to copy)
Moon Dragon Artifact
Used to compose Dark Refinement
10x Moon Dragon Artifact
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27530
(click to copy)
Moon Dragon Artifact
Used to compose Dark Refinement
10x Moon Dragon Artifact
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27529
(click to copy)
Moon Dragon Artifact
Used to compose Dark Refinement
10x Moon Dragon Artifact
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27528
(click to copy)
Baphomet Artifact
Used to compose Spirit Refinement
40x Baphomet Artifact
10 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27496
(click to copy)
Hardcore Experience Potion
500% more experience for 30 minutes. Hardcore potion, but normal characters can also use it.
1x Hardcore Experience Potion
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27488
(click to copy)
Hardcore Experience Potion
500% more experience for 30 minutes. Hardcore potion, but normal characters can also use it.
1x Hardcore Experience Potion
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27487
(click to copy)
Hardcore Experience Potion
500% more experience for 30 minutes. Hardcore potion, but normal characters can also use it.
1x Hardcore Experience Potion
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27486
(click to copy)
Hardcore Experience Potion
500% more experience for 30 minutes. Hardcore potion, but normal characters can also use it.
1x Hardcore Experience Potion
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27485
(click to copy)
Hardcore Experience Potion
500% more experience for 30 minutes. Hardcore potion, but normal characters can also use it.
1x Hardcore Experience Potion
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27484
(click to copy)
Celestial Key
Used to get the rewards from mysterious chest, located in the events teleport.
20x Celestial Key
30 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27401
(click to copy)
Moon Dragon Artifact
Used to compose Dark Refinement
98x Moon Dragon Artifact
20 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27387
(click to copy)
Bakunawa Artifact
Used to compose Dark Refinement
100x Bakunawa Artifact
18 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27381
(click to copy)
Sacred Stone
Used to compose Exalted Refinement
100x Sacred Stone
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27308
(click to copy)
Ticket To Affliction Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Affliction Nightmare. Intended for sorcerers, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
1x Ticket To Affliction Nightmare
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27219
(click to copy)
Mega Health Scroll
Increases +1% in total health.
100x Mega Health Scroll
50 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27023
(click to copy)
Pack Of Stamina Refiller
package with 3 stamina refiller
1x Pack Of Stamina Refiller
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 27000
(click to copy)
Magic Bottle
Right click to be teleported to the Eraphos Cave.
36x Magic Bottle
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26996
(click to copy)
Sacred Stone
Used to compose Exalted Refinement
38x Sacred Stone
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26961
(click to copy)
Crystal Refinement
If your weapon is +260 you can use Crystal Refinement to refine up to +300 without failure
14x Crystal Refinement
39 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26900
(click to copy)
Heart Of Immortality
Can be crafted at npc Phoena in Ab Dendriel. Used to compose Spiritual Refinement and Cosmic Refinement
100x Heart Of Immortality
15 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26843
(click to copy)
Heart Of Immortality
Can be crafted at npc Phoena in Ab Dendriel. Used to compose Spiritual Refinement and Cosmic Refinement
100x Heart Of Immortality
15 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26842
(click to copy)
Heart Of Immortality
Can be crafted at npc Phoena in Ab Dendriel. Used to compose Spiritual Refinement and Cosmic Refinement
100x Heart Of Immortality
15 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26841
(click to copy)
Ultimate Experience Potion
150% more experience for 1 hour.
5x Ultimate Experience Potion
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26822
(click to copy)
Salazar Artifact
Used to compose Crystal Refinement
21x Salazar Artifact
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26792
(click to copy)
Random Gold Mount Ring
get a random gold mount ring with random attributes.
1x Random Gold Mount Ring
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26738
(click to copy)
Ticket To Regret Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Regret Nightmare. Intended for paladins, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
25x Ticket To Regret Nightmare
4 celestial keys
!offer buy, 26660
(click to copy)
Ticket To Regret Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Regret Nightmare. Intended for paladins, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
35x Ticket To Regret Nightmare
6 celestial keys
!offer buy, 26659
(click to copy)
Emperor Token
It can be used to forge Sephira and Nevasca Refinement.
13x Emperor Token
10 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26629
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26569
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26568
(click to copy)
Dark Refinement
If your weapon is +240 you can use Dark Refinement to refine up to +260 without failure
7x Dark Refinement
15 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26547
(click to copy)
Gem Of Decay
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for druids, look for the npc 'Guardian of Druids' in Carlin and 'Nightmare of Druids' in Terror Carlin.
36x Gem Of Decay
10 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26504
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26393
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
3 celestial keys
!offer buy, 26334
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
3 celestial keys
!offer buy, 26333
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
3 celestial keys
!offer buy, 26332
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
3 celestial keys
!offer buy, 26330
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
3 celestial keys
!offer buy, 26327
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
3 celestial keys
!offer buy, 26321
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
3 celestial keys
!offer buy, 26320
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
3 celestial keys
!offer buy, 26319
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
3 celestial keys
!offer buy, 26318
(click to copy)
Talisman Druid T2
Used to craft t2 amulet at npc Amrin in the city of Ireland.
6x Talisman Druid T2
4 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26146
(click to copy)
Gem Of Suffering
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for knights, look for the npc 'Guardian of Knights' in Edron and 'Nightmare of Knights' in Terror Edron.
26x Gem Of Suffering
18 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26065
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
2x Violet Token
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 26064
(click to copy)
Ticket To Regret Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Regret Nightmare. Intended for paladins, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
31x Ticket To Regret Nightmare
9 bipcoins
!offer buy, 25947
(click to copy)
Burzum Artifact
Used to compose Elemental Refinement
7x Burzum Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 25843
(click to copy)
Moon Dragon Artifact
Used to compose Dark Refinement
10x Moon Dragon Artifact
2 celestial keys
!offer buy, 25795
(click to copy)
Gem Of Decay
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for druids, look for the npc 'Guardian of Druids' in Carlin and 'Nightmare of Druids' in Terror Carlin.
6x Gem Of Decay
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 25737
(click to copy)
Gem Of Regret
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for paladins, look for the npc 'Guardian of Paladins' in Ab Dendriel and 'Nightmare of Paladins' in Terror Ab Dendriel.
3x Gem Of Regret
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 25736
(click to copy)
Gem Of Suffering
Used to craft equips tier 3 and tier 4 for knights, look for the npc 'Guardian of Knights' in Edron and 'Nightmare of Knights' in Terror Edron.
5x Gem Of Suffering
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 25734
(click to copy)
Demon Knight Artifact
Used to compose Sephira Refinement
100x Demon Knight Artifact
15 celestial keys
!offer buy, 25258
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
300x Hourglass Of Experience
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 25179
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
4 celestial keys
!offer buy, 24800
(click to copy)
Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
package with 5 hardcore experience potions
1x Pack Of Hardcore Experience Potion
5 celestial keys
!offer buy, 24799
(click to copy)
Dodge Skill Book
Grant you a level of Dodge Skill.
1x Dodge Skill Book
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 24590
(click to copy)
Blood Refinement
If your weapon is +220 you can use Blood Refinement to refine up to +240 without failure
1x Blood Refinement
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 24565
(click to copy)
Dark Refinement
If your weapon is +240 you can use Dark Refinement to refine up to +260 without failure
1x Dark Refinement
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 24563
(click to copy)
Ticket To Regret Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Regret Nightmare. Intended for paladins, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
14x Ticket To Regret Nightmare
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 24546
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 24288
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 24287
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 24286
(click to copy)
Talisman Knight T2
Used to craft t2 amulet at npc Amrin in the city of Ireland.
1x Talisman Knight T2
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 24284
(click to copy)
Demon Knight Artifact
Used to compose Sephira Refinement
10x Demon Knight Artifact
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 23670
(click to copy)
Celestial Key
Used to get the rewards from mysterious chest, located in the events teleport.
55x Celestial Key
110 bipcoins
!offer buy, 23513
(click to copy)
Silkweaver Bow
1x Silkweaver Bow
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 23395
(click to copy)
Sacred Stone
Used to compose Exalted Refinement
1x Sacred Stone
51 bipcoins
!offer buy, 23206
(click to copy)
Ticket To Affliction Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Affliction Nightmare. Intended for sorcerers, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
1x Ticket To Affliction Nightmare
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 22806
(click to copy)
Ticket To Regret Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Regret Nightmare. Intended for paladins, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
31x Ticket To Regret Nightmare
10 bipcoins
!offer buy, 21928
(click to copy)
Ticket To Affliction Nightmare
Ticket used to enter in event Affliction Nightmare. Intended for sorcerers, but all vocations can enter. Check the times for this event on our Wiki page.
1x Ticket To Affliction Nightmare
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 21778
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
2x Violet Token
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 19932
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
5x Violet Token
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 18715
(click to copy)
Talisman Sorcerer T3
Used to craft t3 amulet at npc Jirgo in the city of Woodlands.
9x Talisman Sorcerer T3
9 bipcoins
!offer buy, 18599
(click to copy)
Carnifes Arrow
This arrow seems not suitable for the use with ordinary bows. It seems to be rotting rapidly.
1x Carnifes Arrow
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 18554
(click to copy)
Random Silver Mount Ring
get a random silver mount ring with random attributes.
5x Random Silver Mount Ring
5 bipcoins
!offer buy, 18334
(click to copy)
Talisman Sorcerer T1
Used to craft t1 amulet at npc Mimik in the city of Carnifes.
1x Talisman Sorcerer T1
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 18115
(click to copy)
Hourglass Of Experience
Instantly provides 1 trillion of experience points. Recommended use for 200 resets or less for an instant experience boost.
200x Hourglass Of Experience
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 17617
(click to copy)
Bunny Slippers
1x Bunny Slippers
20 bipcoins
!offer buy, 17046
(click to copy)
Bunny Slippers
1x Bunny Slippers
50 bipcoins
!offer buy, 17042
(click to copy)
Cosmic Refinement
If your weapon is +350 you can use Cosmic Refinement to refine up to +400 without failure
8x Cosmic Refinement
32 bipcoins
!offer buy, 16993
(click to copy)
Random Silver Mount Ring
get a random silver mount ring with random attributes.
2x Random Silver Mount Ring
3 bipcoins
!offer buy, 16961
(click to copy)
Lucky Clover
You seem to be very lucky! Deliver this item to Gulliver the Nomad in the Oak Grove city.
23x Lucky Clover
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 16666
(click to copy)
Lucky Clover
You seem to be very lucky! Deliver this item to Gulliver the Nomad in the Oak Grove city.
100x Lucky Clover
7 bipcoins
!offer buy, 16665
(click to copy)
1x Cleaver
1 celestial keys
!offer buy, 16472
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
5x Violet Token
6 bipcoins
!offer buy, 16470
(click to copy)
Experience Potion
100% more experience for 1 hour.
1x Experience Potion
1 celestial keys
!offer buy, 15635
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 15567
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 15566
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 15190
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 15189
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 15188
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 15187
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
1 bipcoins
!offer buy, 15186
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 15177
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 15176
(click to copy)
Violet Token
It can be used to create Maximal Scrolls.
1x Violet Token
2 bipcoins
!offer buy, 15175
(click to copy)
Spirit Refinement
If your weapon is +300 you can use Spirit Refinement to refine up to +350 without failure
1x Spirit Refination
8 celestial keys
!offer buy, 14497
(click to copy)
Fire Sword
The blade is a magic flame.
1x Fire Sword
999 pure coins
!offer buy, 12445
(click to copy)
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